Thank you for coming JAWS DAYS 2017!

Thanks for your attending JAWS DAYS 2017!

We really really thank you for coming JAWS DAYS 2017 and make the event great!
I hope you have gotten many Link Ups and taken a cue from these Link Ups for stepping forward.

Attendees: 1,269 (Reserved attendees: 1,738)

Over the 1,200 attendees had joined the event. It was the all-time best in JAWS DAYS history.

The half of attendees are their first JAWS DAYS.

If you have first time JAWAS DAYS, please commit JAWS-UG workshop in your locals; and also, we’re waiting for your commit JAWS-UG and JAWS DAYS as staff or speakers!
We’re always welcome your new challenges.

As the following graph, the very top of attendees’ working area is Tokyo and near of it.


The very famous JAWS DAYS’ one-way trip: RoadTrip had picked up you to JAWS DAYS. It had picked 34 attendees from Aichi and Osaka area.


We had given scholarship for local heroes. The JAWS DAYS Scholarship is our first scholarship. We had invited four local heroes.
They really liked and is impressed with JAWS DAYS, they will be huge influencer for their local and will invite new local heroes to JAWS DAYS.


Enterprise supporters: 32 companies and 7 organisations

We really thanks every supporters for your help and backup. Without your support and help JAWS DAYS would have failed.

From overseas: 11 attendees (Korea, Taiwan and Singapore)

We had invited eleven member in AWS user group in Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. We -JAWS-UG- are keeping in touch with AWS user group in all of world.


감사합니다 ! 또 만나요 !

多謝! 再見!

Thank you! See you again!


Speakers and staff: 200!

I deeply thanks to speakers and staff for your help. Without your support and help JAWS DAYS would be terribly event. Let’s make JAWS-UG great!



If you had a little time to make feedback (good, bad or anything),
please access questionnaireand send us your feedback!

JAWS DAYS is still on going, until you blog about it!

People say outputting is important. I fully agree with them.
Never forget adding hash tag — #jawsdays — we’ll collect your JAWS DAYS post (until you’ll published 21, March).


JAWS FESTA is available on は Matsuyama, Shikoku!

Each JAWS-UG branch has JAWS FESTA in yearly. On 2017, we’ll have it in Matuyama city on November. We’ll update its date, where we’ll hold and contents on our page.


Deeply thanks for coming, helping supporting JAWS DAYS 2017 to all of visitors, attendees, supporters and staffs.